To start off this process we began with our project proposal. I created a presentation that walks viewers through the concept of Dorm Design, its competitors, as well as it's success rate. There is also beginning stages of personas included to explain real world appeal.
The two personas used were based off of real people. Sydney and Kasey are examples of two different people, with different needs, and how one app is able to benefit both. Kasey represents an average college student with basic back-to-school stressors. Sydney represents an out-of-state student, who not only experiences the stressors of an average student, but more due to distance.

This app is not designed for a specific student, which influenced the color selection process. There was more consideration on colors that were gender neutral and inviting to all students.

The wire framing for Dorm Design began with the most crucial screens. These basic wireframes also serve the functional base for secondary screen creation. These wireframes consist of the create an account, quiz, home page with a hamburger menu, and the roommate page.

The finalized prototype of Dorm Design is comprised of 61 screens that provides the user a full experience of the app, with clickable options to enhance the experience.